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Domain Registrar Transfer FAQ's

What does it mean to transfer registrars?
If you already own a domain, you registered it using a domain name registrar. By using our Transfer Registrar tool, you are simply transferring your domain from the registrar you originally registered with and making #1 ABC Domain.com the registrar of record. (Please note, there is a 60-day transfer hold - which means you have to wait two months from the initial registration before you can transfer your domain.)

Why would I want to transfer registrars?
When you registered your domain you probably paid up to $70.00 to reserve it. Now that it is coming due, you can save yourself some money by taking advantage of #1 ABC Domain.com extremely low transfer prices. In addition, once the transfer is complete, you will be able to easily manage your domain by using our secure online manager.

How much does it cost?
You can transfer your domain from your previous domain registrar to #1 ABC Domain.com for just $11.95. This will add one year to the original registration term. For example, if your domain is due to expire in 2 months, you can transfer it to #1 ABC Domain.com for $11.95, and it will then expire in 1 year and 2 months. 

Will transferring change my information?
No. All existing information in your domain record will be preserved. Once the transfer has been completed, you can then use the Domain Management System to change any information you choose.

How do I change registrars?
Click on the "Transfer Registrars" button on the left-hand menu. Enter the domain you wish to transfer. The administrative contact will receive an email to confirm the transfer. (Please note, if the admin contact's email address is outdated, they will not be able to receive the email, and there can be no confirmation, and thus, no transfer. You must update your admin contact's email address with your prior registrar first.)

Check Transfer Status Tool
You can use the Check Transfer Status tool to manage your domain transfer away from your previous registrar to our system.

Access the Manage section through our Member Login with your username and password, and select the Check Transfer Status link. Your domain transfers will appear. Some will require no intervention from you (marked in green). Others (marked in yellow) may require you to resubmit an admin approval email if the domain has not been approved for transfer
with us. Or, you may resubmit a domain for transfer to your prior registrar if it has been approved on our end, but your prior registrar denied the transfer.

If a domain appears in red, it's status cannot be determined automatically. Please contact us for help with these domains.

A domain that has successfully completed transfer will appear in blue.

Some of the most common reasons for your prior registrar denying the transfer include:
Not answering their confirmation email in time.
Not answering their confirmation email in the proper format.
The domain is expired or otherwise locked due to nonpayment.

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